COZAD, NE 69130

Call us at 308-784-2019
Friday: 9am-5pm
Saturday: 9am-1pm
Sunday: Closed

Our Location

Wilson Public Library

Phone: +1.3087842019

910 Meridian AveCozadNebraska 69130, United States


Frequently Asked Questions

We answer reference questions by telephone at 308-784-2019 Monday through Thursday 8:00am-6:00pm, Fridays 8:00am-5:00pm, and Saturdays 9:00am-1:00pm and provide information to the best of our ability. You can also contact us:

  • by email to wpublib@cozadtel.net (the form above will send your message to us!)
  • by Facebook messenger on our Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/wpublib/
  • by postal mail at Wilson Public Library, 910 Meridian Avenue, Cozad, NE 69130

Do you have a digital library?

Our Digital Library via Libby (by Overdrive) is Open every day, all day. Click on the Downloadable Books tab above for more information, including how to login or set up accounts. If you do not know your library card number or pin number/password, please call us at times listed above for help.

Is the library open?

Yes! Our hours are stated above. The public computer use room is available as normal and closes fifteen minutes earlier than the rest of the library.  You also must have a computer user agreement form on file to use either the computer use room or our WIFI. If you do not, you will need to fill that out first.

How can I put specific items on hold to check out?  

If you know exactly what you are looking for, you may either call us or you can login to your online account by clicking on the Catalog tab at the top of the website. If you do not know your library card username or password, please call us at 784-2019. Feel free to browse and put items on hold via the catalog, but come in to the library and browse if you do not feel comfortable with technology.  You can also renew items online, unless someone else has a hold on it, if you have a prior fine, or if the item is already overdue. If you have given us a current email address, overdue notices are automatically computer-generated and go out daily until the item(s) have been returned. You can always reply to the email and ask for an item to be renewed. We can do that as long as no one else has a hold on the item or if you haven't already used 2 renewals in a row already.

Can you mail items to me?

No. Our budget was not set up to absorb a books by mail type of service. We do have downloadable books, audiobooks, and digital magazines available for you to use at home. Check out the question above about a digital library.

When are my items due? 

Item due dates should be stamped or written on the inside Date Due card. Most items have a 2 week checkout. Cakepans and DVDs have a one week checkout. You can always call us at 784-2019 and ask for an extension if you need longer time. Generally, we can approve the extension as long as the item has not been requested by others, or if you have already had the item for longer than 3 total checkouts/renewals.

Are you assessing fines?

 Yes. Fine forgiveness ended in July 2020. At different times throughout the year, we do offer Fine Free Weeks and Food 4 Fines. Fines are low, 20 cents per item per day for most items.

Do you accept donated items? 

We do accept donated items, but not textbooks, dictionaries, encyclopedias, DVDs, books on tape, or VHS tapes. If items are not in good condition, has tears, or has evidence of bug damage, please do not donate them to us. We always try to use donated items in our collections if they meet collection criteria, or we will put them on our Foundation book sale which occurs annually.

Do you have rooms that a person can use for a public or private meeting?

The Board Room is available for groups and must be scheduled in advance to guarantee availability.  The Conference Room is also available for meetings and must be scheduled in advance to guarantee availability.  Both rooms require a deposit of $20 (refundable upon inspection after the event) and a user agreement form filled out prior to the meeting. Meetings can be scheduled before our opening time of 10am Mondays-Fridays, and can be scheduled after we close Mondays-Thursdays, but an individual must be at the library representing an organization at least 15 minutes before we close. There is also some equipment (dvd player, laptop, projector, etc.) available for organizations to use in a meeting, possibly at an additional charge. Please call us at 784-2019 for more information if you are interested in scheduling a meeting. You may always click on our Calendar tab above to see what's happening at the library.

Contact F0rm

910 Meridian Ave Cozad NE 69130 us